Visionary Business Owner

As A Touchstone Essentials Visionary Business Owner (VBO), You May Promote Their Products and Earn Revenue. Here’s How:

  1. Purchase the Pure Body Extra Strength (PBX) zeolite detox spray and use the product and give it to your family. Purchase the PBX from the person who referred you to this website. Note any health improvements and share your experiences with others.
  2. Sign up as a VBO using the link provided to you by the person who referred you to this website. If no one gave you a link, SIGN UP HERE.
  3. Log into your business account: MY ACCOUNT > LOGIN TO OFFICE
  4. In order to earn commissions on your promotions, you must sustain a minimum of 100 PV (Personal Volume) each and every month. The PBX zeolite is 51 PV. Two bottles would do it. You may also choose from CBD oil, green or protein powder drinks, a vitamin D supplement, and so much more.
  5. Decide on a name for your storefront and then set up your storefront. After logging in, go to MY ACCOUNT > MY ACCOUNT and put a name in for your website URL. THIS WILL BE YOUR STOREFRONT URL. If you want a name displayed at the top of your store, add the name to “Website Display Name.”
  6. In the same MY ACCOUNT tab, add your tax information.
  7. Select “Auto-Renewal” for your VBO status.
  8. Under MY ACCOUNT > COMMISSION PAYMENT ACCOUNT set up your bank account for payments from Touchstone Essentials.
  9. You are now ready to promote and to get paid.
  10. Go to your URL storefront (bookmark this) and hover over Shop: review the various products available, and notice the zeolite tab at the bottom.
  11. You may share any product link or your storefront link with friends, family, audience, and onto any social media, in emails, etc., and when people make purchases you will earn a commission.
  12. BASIC COMMISSION STRUCTURE: For the life of any customer you bring to Touchstone Essentials, you will receive 25% of the Overall Volume (OV) for 90 days and then it drops to 5% *unless* you have ten or more customers in which case it will be 15%. The PBX zeolite is 51 points. 51 X 25% = $12.75. For VBOs who sign up under you, you get 10% of their customer volume. For the next level down it is 5%. There are numerous other bonuses and perks as well as levels, which are worth learning as you grow your business.
  13. The Pure Body Extra Strength heavy metal zeolite detox is a unique product that has shown over and over and over again that it has high efficacy (it works!) and has helped countless people improve their health or the health of their children. Although the Touchstone Essentials product page has a robust amount of information regarding their zeolite detox product, what they do not have are screen capture testimonials which help lend credibility to the efficacy of the product, and that’s why getting a Page on this website could help your Touchstone Essentials business GROW!
  14. HOW TO GET YOUR OWN ZEOLITE PROMOTION PAGE ON THIS WEBSITE: What this website offers – what a personal Distributor page offers – is a large quantity of real life user experiences as screen captures so that potential buyers can review real life health improvements in a format that is believable (social media screen captures). You may then share your very own web page, optimized for social media, that will link directly to your storefront for the zeolite and the VBO opportunity (under you). Simply do these five things:
    • Set up your account as explained above
    • Purchase 100 PV or more of product (which I can see on the backend)
    • Take a high quality photo of yourself holding the zeolite bottle (or maybe spraying it in your child’s mouth)
    • Write up a few sentences of how the zeolite helped you or your family
    • Send me an email asking to have your web page set up, along with your full name, your photo, and those few sentences, to: larry @ stopmandatoryvaccination . com – I have spaced this out to prevent spam.
  15. Once I have set up your web page, which is essentially a clone of every other Distributor page, you may share it everywhere, including social media, and reap the benefits of using real world user experiences to help your friends, family, audience, etc. understand why to purchase the product and maybe even become a VBO themselves.
  16. RECURRING REVENUE: Perhaps one of the greatest things of all about being a Touchstone Essentials VBO is that their Pure Body Extra Strength zeolite detox is so effective that plenty of people stay on the lower cost recurring monthly shipment program for continuous detox which then means recurring revenue for you. Plus, there are lots of other great products to select from and customers often buy other products too, which produces more revenue for you.
  17. NETWORK MARKETING: Touchstone Essentials sells through Independent Distributors (VBOs) instead of through distribution centers and retail stores. As such, the revenue that would ordinarily go to distributors and retail stores is instead diverted and used to pay Distributors (VBOs). With the right product and the right ethics and the right compensation plan, participating in such a Networking System could provide a very substantial amount of revenue over time. I believe Touchstone Essentials to be that Company that you would want to join and work with, and I believe having your own Distributor Page on this website (example: Robin Shirley) can help you more quickly achieve financial success with a Touchstone Essentials Partnership.
  18. Onward, to our financial and health success! Questions? Email me: larry @ stopmandatoryvaccination . com – I have spaced this out to prevent spam. ~ Larry

    Step-by-Step: How To Promote PBX Detox Spray and Earn Revenue Doing So


  19. Use this guide if you do NOT want to promote the $50-off offer.Did you know that as a VBO you can easily share the very popular and highly effective Pure Body Extra cellular detox spray with your friends and family and earn revenue doing so?

    Go to and click My Account > Login to Office and log into your back office. If you do not know your password, use the password reset function and then login into your back office.

  20. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do so:
    1. Go to My Account > Commission Payment Information and enter your bank account information.
    2. Go to My Account > My Account (Personal Information) and:
      1. Enter your tax ID info at the bottom of the page
      2. Under “Your Website URL” decide on your website name and enter it. This portion of a website is called a “subdomain.”
      3. Under “Website Display Name” enter the name you want people to see at the top of your website.
      4. Check box the “Auto-Renewal” at the bottom of the page.
      5. SAVE your changes
    3. COPY your website URL from this page and PASTE it into a new browser window. You should now be at YOUR storefront and NOT mine (
    4. BOOKMARK your website URL page in your browser so that you can easily and quickly always access it. You will also login to your back office from this page. You may want to copy and paste it into a Word document if you think you’ll forget your bookmark.
    5. Now, from YOUR storefront URL, while SIGNED OUT, hover over SHOP and select “Daily Detox” and then click PURE BODY EXTRA.
    6. You should now be at YOUR STOREFRONT for Pure Body Extra, which will look like this – where the “smv” is replaced by your storefront name you selected in Step 3. BE SURE YOU HAVE CONFIRMED THIS. You may want to use Bitly or another URL shortner for ease of sharing.
    7. Okay, this is the link you will want to share with your friends and family and in social media to promote the Pure Body Extra detox spray and you’ll earn credit when people purchase from this link. So, let’s take this further now, shall we?
    8. The best way to promote anything is to share how we have been helped by whatever it is we are talking about. So, in this case, there are two VERY IMPORTANT things you can do to encourage people to try Pure Body Extra:
      1. Take a photo of yourself holding the detox spray close to your face with a friendly tone in a well-lit area. this conveys quickly that you believe in the product and that you have used the product.
      2. Write a few sentences about how the detox spray has helped you or your children
    9. In your social media, post the photo of yourself, your testimonial, a call to action (buy it right here; learn more here; get it here, etc.) and your storefront link to Pure Body Extra.
    10. Alternate Posts:
      1. You can grab the photo of Pure Body Extra from the website or this email and post it along with your text.
      2. Here is an alternate TEXT you can use: This all-natural mineral is mined from the earth, cleaned, remineralized, nano-sized, and then suspended into water molecules using sonic technology so that it can travel everywhere throughout the body and exchange a mineral ion for a heavy metal ion, which is then “caged” and escorted out of the body in 4 to 6 hours. Hence, why many people notice such drastic improvements in a short amount of time! Learn more here: [your link]
      3. Do a VIDEO and post it to your social media. Talk about how the detox has helped you or your family and in the text part of the video remember to add your storefront link.
      4. Answer questions in the comments section of your posts – this increases social traction and of course helps everyone understand why to try Pure Body extra.
    11. Share often and everywhere to earn revenue.
    12. To get paid you need a minimum of 100 points per month in purchases. Pure Body extra is 51 points. Two bottles of Pure Body Extra per month would satisfy the 100 point requirement, but feel free to check out the CBD oil, Green drink, Vitamin D supplement and the many other health organic options at Touchstone essentials.
    13. TO MAKE A PURCHASE, log into your back office and click Shop > Shop. Here you can purchase from Touchstone Essentials and even put products onto auto ship so you are sure to always have that 100 point requirement to earn revenue from your promotions.


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